Cancellations or Sickness

We require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. Frequent cancellations (more than 1 in 4 appointments canceled) may result in services being limited or terminated altogether due to treatment non-compliance.

We do not charge for cancellation due to illness, however, if you cancel due to illness we require proof of a negative COVID19 test before you can return to in-person appointments. 

While we are aware that sickness is not within your control and we will try to accommodate any unavoidable client obstacles to treatment, if it becomes apparent that sickness is frequently preventing you from attending your scheduled appointments, we reserve the right to terminate services due to non-compliance.

Notifying us for Psychiatric or Ketamine services: Immediately alert us by phone at (360) 329-2055 option 3 or email  You are welcome to reschedule your appointment online through the client portal or with a receptionist by phone. Do not contact your provider directly to reschedule your appointment.

Notifying us for Psychology Services: Locate your counseling provider’s extension in the company directory on our website (see  or call (360) 329-2055 option 6), or use the phone menu system to spell their name and connect to their extension, and let them know of your situation. You can reschedule and request another appointment online through the client portal.